New Patient Experience and Center

Welcome to Roselle Center For Healing!

We understand that arriving at a doctors office for the first time can be nerve racking. Filling out paperwork, learning  new faces and names, and getting to know your way around the a new practice can be an overwhelming experience.

That's why at Roselle Center For Healing, we aim to remove any stress that can cause unnecessary tension and to make you feel comfortable.

In this area of the website you will be able to take care of items necessary for your visit prior to arriving, in the comfort of your own home.

Roselle Center For Healing offers our patient form(s) online so they can be completed it in the convenience of your own home or office. 



At the Roselle Center for Healing, our mission is to serve, educate and empower individuals on their path to creating extraordinary health and wellness!

We are excited and thankful that you have decided to partner with the Roselle Center for Healing and our team of health and wellness practitioners in your journey to exceptional health and expression of well-being. It is an investment in time and money do not take lightly.  Our practitioners and staff members  are by your side every step of the way!


As new patient you will experience teaming with our practitioners in staff to reach your optimal level of health and wellness through total body balance – structurally,  chemically, and emotionally through Chiropractic, Applied Kinesiology, Acupuncture, Massage Therapy, Nutrition and Functional Medicine.


Acugraph - used to analyze and document the energetic status of your acupuncture meridians. These meridians are invisible energy pathways in your body that have been used therapeutically for over 5,000 years.

Blood Pressure in 3 Positions — lying, sitting, and standing blood pressure. Why? This information allows the doctors to assess adrenal and physiological function.

Gate Scan - is an assessment of the way you stand, walk, and run. Like the foundation of a house, your feet support the weight of everything above them and effects structural integrity. Physiological dysfunction shows evidence of the way you stand and move in space.

pH Testing – a test strip is placed in saliva to determine alkaline or acidity level in your body. An alkaline body is more conducive to health and well-being. An acidic pH can lead to a variety of negative health effects.

Zinc Testing— zinc is an important mineral required for several bodily functions involving energy and metabolism. Zinc is necessary for a strong immune system, normal growth and zinc assists in healing of wounds. When holding zinc in your mouth, a lack of taste may indicate an insufficiency, where is a strong or immediate taste may indicate adequate levels of zinc.

Consultation – and in-depth medical history current condition, and main area of concern or complaint are discussed.

Examination - your Doctor may conduct either a neuro-physical applied kinesiological examination, nutritional assessment or energetic evaluation to assess and collect information regarding the root cause or the “why is that?” of your condition. Your doctor may also request additional testing to accurately assess your condition (blood work, x-ray, thermography, etc.)


Report of Findings - Your doctor will explain their assessment of your condition based on your initial examination, review of records, and test lab results.

Your doctor will design and present an individualized quote projection of care and quote or treatment plan. Typically, a new patient treatment plant will take you from your acute condition to a repair process, and transition into a wellness program.

In this appointment, you will have the opportunity to discuss any questions and concerns before committing to your care plan.

Additionally, you will have to view a healthcare orientation video before beginning your wellness journey. This video orientation will help you understand the approach in philosophy that has helped thousands of patients whom we have proudly served for over 40+ years.

You will also meet with one of our Patient Advocates to review your financial breakdown and options as well as schedule appointments that will minimally interrupt your routine.


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